Event Information
Friday, May 30:
- Tappy's Face Painting
- Gazebo: Music by the Hwy 16 Band
- 5pm Kiddie Tractor Pull - Kindschi Pedal Pull sponsored by Batzel Turf & Getter Masonry. Located on Memorial drive by Union State Bank
- 5pm Balloons by Kevin - free event
Friday Night Music: 8:30pm-12:30pm
One Accord
Saturday, May 31:
- JDD Fun Run sponsored by Mayo Clinic Health Systems. 7am Registration, 8am Start
Fun Run Route Map
- Chicken Q in the Park
- June Dairy Days Parade - 12pm. Visit our Parade page for information and registration
- 4-H Kickball Tournament
- WSHS Jazz Band following parade at Gazebo
- Carnival opens following parade
- June Dairy Days Euchre Tournament at the American Legion - 3pm
Euchre Tournament Registration
- Isahiah Foster sponsored by WS Cares - 4pm at Gazebo
- Backtracking with Steve O - 5pm at Gazebo
- Tappy's Facepainting
- Balloons by Kevin
Saturday Night Music: 8:30pm-12:30pm
Something Familiar
Sunday, June 1
- Car Show sponsored by Morries Auto Group. Registration at 9am. Car Show begins at 10:30am.
Car Show Informational Flyer
- 10U Baseball Tournament
- Chicken Q, Food and Dairy begins at 11am
- June Dairy Days Cornhole Tournament - Registration at Beer Tent at 11am. Start Time is Noon.
- AMKM Gymnastics performance - 1pm
- Madeline Burg Music - 2pm at Gazebo
- Tappy's Facepainting
- Park closes at 5pm